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Beyond Net.Art



By Caterina Davinio &



Gates is dedicated to Pierre Restany




ARTISTS - USA Austin TX / Brazil

With: Regina Vater




I am sending you in attachment a digital photo in JPEG of this installation I First did in 1997 in Austin - Texas and which I will be doing again in November this year in Brasilia - Brasil.


Through the text you will understand how this work is also a door.




"VêrVe" by Regina Vater


Inspired by archaic ground paintings (African, Navaho, Haiti, Aborigines) and Tibetan sand mandalas.


"VêrVe" means: Pay attention to "how" you see and also cames from "Veve" the name for sacred ground paintings in the Haitian cosmologies.

The ground paintings are used not only as portals to the underworld but also as healing devices.


The form and colors of this installation are inspired by the eyes on the spotted jaguar, animal of protection for shamans of the Americas from Texas to Tierra Del Fuego. The jaguar who sees though the darkness of the forest, helps the curanderos/shamans/seers to travel through the night of the dreams and to enable them to heal and help the people and spirits in need.

In this work I use the three main staples of the Americas: Rice, beans and corn as methaphors for the feeding powers of Art. And also to stablize this relation between feeding, seeing and healing.

